Gophermods IDS Center

Technology is omnipresent in our everyday lives. Gophermods IDS Center, with our years of experience in the technology repair industry can quickly get the job done to help you stay connected when your iPhone, iPad, MacBook runs into issue and requires professional service.

Repair Now

Gophermods IDS Center

Technology is omnipresent in our everyday lives. Gophermods IDS Center, with our years of experience in the technology repair industry can quickly get the job done to help you stay connected when your iPhone, iPad, MacBook runs into issue and requires professional service.

Temporary Closure

Due to the impact of the Coronavirus, this location is temporarily closed.

These Gophermods locations remain open with normal business hours:

Apple Valley 7700 147th Street West Apple Valley, MN
Eagan 3250 Denmark Ave Eagan, MN
St. Anthony 1624 New Brighton Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 
Woodbury 10035 City Walk Drive Woodbury, MN

Thank You,

Casey Profita

Fast Diagnostics

Not sure what is going on with your device or just a little curious? Our technicians love exploring new gadgets!

Inquire Below

Contact Us

Store Hours

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Let us Know You’re Coming

No repairs at Gophermods require an appointment, but let your technicians know you’re on the way by sending us a message or inquiring about your repair service. Most repair parts are always in stock, and repairs take about an hour. If you’re in a bind, call us and we’ll reserve the part for you to get you in and out of our store all repaired.

  • No Appointment Necessary

  • Certified Devices Available

  • Local Since 2009 in MN